Tyler Henscheid
Hailing from the Willamette Valley, Tyler has been exploring the streams of the Oregon Coast Range most of his life. Few people can match the hours he logs plying these winding waters, not to mention the fish counts he puts up. No matter the season, he's always on the river—building know-how and enjoying beauty. For year-round Oregon adventure, Tyler's the go-to guy.

Tyler's fishing career started in Idaho, where he stalked trout in small streams as a young boy. His passion for fly fishing emerged at age 11 when he commandeered his brother's fly rod, and then one foggy morning five years later, he discovered the heart-pounding power of anadromous fish as he landed his first Chinook salmon.
Today, more than a decade later, fishing is his way of life—composed of equal parts discipline and leisure. Tyler has guided for many years, helping people build memorable experiences through his combined power to illustrate angling techniques with simplicity, induce heartfelt belly laughter, and draw seemingly any aquatic creature to the surface.